Friday, 15 September 2017

Be innovative at work - A learning experience from Meld

Inspiration from MELD - the world's first automatic temperature cooking control system:

1. Innovation does not necessarily to be a grand revolution - simple but effective improvement that helps people live a better life is always a great start.
2. A combination of existing tools, if work effectively, can become an innovation. So looking for existing resources on hand when start your innovation is always a great idea.
3. Make good use of the modern technology - our mobile devices and apps. Nowadays a huge variety of apps are developed to assist our work and daily life. 'Can we incorporate a app into our most popular products?' is one of the most frequently asked questions by managers.

Please feel free to add comments below. Any form of feedback is welcome!

Friday, 21 July 2017

Etiquette Rules For Meetings

Most Important Etiquette Rules For Meetings That All Of Our Staff Should Be Adhere TO

It has been noticed that there has been a drop in attendance and productivity in routine business meetings, with staff complaining that the meetings are a waste of time. Therefore, our manager want to highlight that it is important for attendance at meetings, and that there will be formal etiquette created that all staff will be expected to adhere to. The etiquette will be created based on why the staff feels the meetings are a waste of time.

1. Have a strong agenda.

This is part of being prepared, but you should have a good, strong agenda so that you can stay on track. 

2. Don’t save all your questions for the end.

Ask your questions at the appropriate time. Do not be the person who starts “asking questions and adding stuff that doesn’t need to be added” when everyone’s getting ready to go.

3. Do not have your phone out.

A lot of people keep their phones on the table during meetings. Don’t do this. Even if you aren’t looking at your phone, it can get distracting if it starts lighting up or making noises.

Additional resources of meeting etiquette is provided in the link here.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Common issues accounting firm faces and the solutions

Facing a issue that all other accounting firms have? Here are the solutions!

                 Nowadays, more and more
                 accounting firms are established
                 and the competition is getting
                 more fierce. Here we list the most
                 three common issues that you face
                 and the solutions to them.

1. Compliance issue

Issue ­– There's a substantial difference between record keeping and accounting. Even with the best software, you need some basic knowledge of bookkeeping, especially to stay in line with regulatory compliance. Software alone does not eliminate your accounting problems.

Solution – If you need support, consult with a professional capable of helping you understand the basic record keeping – not accounting – that you require.

                                                            2. Human resource

Issue ­– Talent acquisition is becoming a major focus with many firms. What lies behind this challenge? Generational change and cyclical labor shortage. As baby boomers retire, its increasingly urgent for firms to secure strong talent and plan for the next wave of leaders.

Solution – Use incentives to encourage  staff and raise a culture that values loyalty to the company. The manager should make the workplace a safe and happy place where employees love to stay.

3. Attracting & developing new business

Issue ­– Past experiences show that new business is the top challenge for accounting and financial services firms. Accounting and financial services firms are feeling significant pressure from international competition. 

Solution – Accounting firms should have a clear idea of where they want to go, so organic growth is critical to the business. An aggressive but realistic business plan is essential.

Share the article with your business partners or friends and help them as well:

Friday, 21 April 2017

Harmony Day

Harmony Day - 21 March 
Our diversity makes Australia a great place to live. 

Harmony Day is a celebration of our cultural diversity – a

day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia 


Message of Harmony Day
The message of Harmony

Day is 'everyone belongs'. The 

Day aims to engage people to

participate in their community, 

respect cultural and religious 

diversity and foster sense of 

belonging for everyone.


Official Color of the Day
Orange is the color chosen

to represent Harmony 

Day. Traditionally, 

orange signifies social 


and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the 

freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

Australians can choose to wear something orange on

21 March to show their support for cultural diversity 

and an inclusive Australia.

  • Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country — from the oldest continuous culture of our first Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world.

  • Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are. It makes Australia a great place to live.

  • Multicultural Australia is an integral part of our national identity. All people who migrate to Australia bring with them some of their own cultural and religious traditions, as well as taking on many new traditions. Collectively, these traditions have enriched our nation.

Other important International day shares the day with Harmony day

15 January 2017 is World Religion Day.Observed in over 80 countries, the aim of World Religion Day is to foster interfaith understanding and harmony by emphasising the common elements underlying all religions.

And also check this video out!

Friday, 31 March 2017

Workplace Stress

To my dear colleagues,

Recently, the level of absenteeism in organisation is increasing. After further investigation stress has been identified as the main reason staff are taking time off work.

Some common workplace signs are good tools to identify stress, they include:

  • Low salaries
  • Excessive workloads
  • Work that isn't engaging
  • Lack of social support
  • Conflicting demands

There are also some methods to help prevent and management stress at work, they include:
  • Track your stressors
  • Establish boundaries
  • Take time to recharge
  • Learn how to relax
  • Talk to your supervisor
  • Get some support

On top of that, a short video of how to manage stress at work is also provided:

WHS in Navitas

To all my dear colleagues,

In order to promote WHS in Navitas, WHS CONSULTATION ARRANGEMENTS is provided and please read the information carefully and be prepared for the HSC meeting to be held next meeting.

Each Division will determine and document the appropriate consultation methods through which to consult with employees regarding WHS policy and procedures.

A Group Navitas Work Health and Safety Committee, including representation from management and each of the Divisions, and supported by a Group Human Resources officer, will report to the Board and will be responsible for 
                1. setting the strategic direction for 
                    WHS across Navitas;
                2. oversighting the implementation 
                    of the various legislative requirements;
                3. ensuring the implementation of 
                    WHS initiatives within each Division;
                4. keeping the Board members aware 
                    of their obligations; 
                5. determination of any escalated Work 
                    Health and Safety issues across Navitas 
                     in terms of dealing with WHS matters.

The complete file is provided should you need more information regarding the topic: Navitas-Work-Health-and-Safety-WHS-AUS-Policy